Can cables of any cost and quality provide bass response missing in my B&W speakers?

I'm sure variants of this question have been offered previously, but let me ask in light of the following:  I have a very modest main system powered by an Adcom 555II amp, Adcom GFP-750 pre-amp, and run into a pair of B&W CM-4 speakers (6.5in woofer, 6.5in. woofer/mid. and tweeter, and bi-wireable).  Any music with a moderate-to- heavy bass component (organ, bass fiddle, etc) just doesn't translate to my ear.  I'm using a mid-range pair of Monster cables, and in fact tried a second pair of Z-Series to no audible difference.  On the other hand I have a legacy pair of a/d/s 1090L tower speakers (2x7.5in woofers, 6in. mid-range, tweeter) that deliver thundering bass when needed regardless of cabling used, and powered by the same system.  Even tried passive bi-amping for the B&Ws by using an old Carver M-500t amp for HF input, and Adcom amp for LF diff.  Is there any point really in looking at higher-end speaker wire of, e.g., thicker gauge, or exotic geometry, or multi-conductor "shotgunning", whatever, in order to induce greater LF response from the CM-4s?  Thanks for your patience.
B&W won't have good bass and lousy treble either model 800 .... ( never get deep , tight and strong bass ) ... you should go with Dynaudio speakers .... for bookshelf go with :
Dynaudio C1 Confidence Platinum 
Make you happy all the time !!!!
High Fidelity Cables (HFC) has various products that I would highly recommend. I have their Reveal line of cables to include RCA, XLR, and power cable. Each product significantly benefited my system. Surprisingly, you may want to start with their MC-0.5 power conditioner. My first experience with HFC was with the MC-0.5 - it increased clarity, fullness, depth and soundstage presence. 
As a cable guy I will say it clearly - forget about it. In any case, you want balanced cables not 'tone controls'. The only thing you might want to try is to put a better power cord on the amp. Other than that - sorry, you need better speakers, but you know it.
If the ADS speakers have adequate bass in the same system as you state, then it is clear that the problem is the B&W speakers. I believe cables can make a subtle, but musically important difference. They will not fix what is wrong with the speakers. Spending money on cables in this instance is the wrong move, IMO. Properly selected cables are not tone controls as Inna stated, but they can be the icing on the cake for a well sorted out system.

+1 csmgolf. "they can be the icing on the cake for a well sorted out system."

If your speakers have bass limitations maybe getting the most out of them still won’t make you happy. I have speakers that have twin 7" bass drivers and they are rated to 30hz +/- 3db. They go lower that that with rolloff increasing. Bass is very good and adequately low but still not chest pounding that only a larger driver can do. My speakers are also in a much higher price tier than the speakers in question here, but the bass capability is indeed there.

I also, like mtrot, use the Cerious Technology Graphene Extreme speaker cables and agree that these are one of the better cables out there that clearly have allowed the bass potential of my speakers to be unleashed. Prior <$500 cables were good, but the CTs were a huge jump in performance. I’ve been historically frugal but these changed my thinking, enough to know what can be achieved.

The point here is that cables don’t make bass, rather they permit whatever is possible to come forth. Great cables do make a difference, but I still would not spend a disproportionate amount on cables based on the speaker price. Maybe 10-20% of the speaker price for cables is certainly warranted however as component investments go.

Cerious Technologies just launched their new price-no-object (still not ridiculous) line of cables that early upgraders are saying is worth the jump. For my system the price would still fall in the 10-20% range of my speakers. I am tempted to eek out that last bit of bass. One of the early upgraders has my speakers and is raving that the bass is even stronger, deeper sounding (not in actual measurement - that’s not possible), and better controlled than before. For me, I will probably pull that trigger when funds are available. My system is built around the speakers, so getting the most out of them is worth it to me.