Can hi-end cables benefit less expensive electronics?

Some time ago, there was a guy on a Polish hi-end forum claiming that in his case it was better to buy some hi-end power chord than investing in a more expensive CD player. Has anybody had an experience where they invested in an expensive cable and felt the investment justified without upgrading the unit utilising the cable? Overall, would there possibly be any point in buying some expensive cable to feed electronics nearly the cost of the cable itself? I'm currently using a KT88 amplifier with a Metronome CD8 (which is also used as DAC) plus Metronome DSS as the streamer (transport only). Speakers: Franco Serblin Accords. In my case, an upgrade in electronics would involve spending at least USD 15,000 to make it sensible. But I can also spend much less and buy a Transparent XL Digital cable to replace my DIY cable that I currently use, at a much smaller expense. Is a high-end digital cable in some cases able to make it a worthwhile investment in a setup which is not top hi-end? I can afford the Transparent XL digital cable, but not necessarily any upgrade to the electronics I own. Has anybody experienced an improvement with an expensive cable even if the rest of the system would rather call for a less expensive one? When I wrote to Transparent about it, they said I should get advice from my dealer. Cable naysayers please do not comment. Also I'm not looking for cheaper alternatives to the Transparent XL. Just fancying buying a cable that many people say is an excellent cable. Of course, I do not expect the same improvement with this cable as with a full DCS Vivaldi setup, but am I likely to get an improvement, considering that the system is balanced and nothing really bothers me in it? Or should I absolutely get a cheaper cable because the more expensive one is bound to make things worse? 


I don't know if it's related to the length of the exhaust with the mid/rear engine mount or an intentional change, but the new C8 Corvettes don't sound as good as previous generations.  They have a more supercar sound, but it's the "Walmart" version.  I have yet to hear one that I appreciated, but I'm sure when they are opened up they likely sound great.

They all sound the same. You put all that snake oil fancy fairy dust exhaust systems on there and you are a money wasting fool. 


Some great comments already, and I'll only add my experience. Better cables can absolutely improve SQ, but only if the component is capable of taking advantage of the better cable.

Better cables can also make a system's SQ worse, if they are very revealing and the components are below the quality level of the cable. Better cables color the sound less, and usually are more transparent and more revealing....they will not hide any warts so to speak.

However if you are on the "never ending" upgrade path (as I am), my system tends to "grow into" the better cables as I upgrade components. I however do not own extremely high end cables, those costing thousands of dollars.

In hind sight, I would have upgraded my digital cables first; they gave the largest upgrades in SQ. From there interconnects and speaker cables were about equal, and lastly power cables......however they all made noticeable improvements.

Also pay attention to what type of cable you are using for a specific application, and use that type of topology. For digital components, is your equipment optimized for USB? AES/EBU? I2S? For XLR/RCA are your components fully balanced, or am I using a longer cable run that XLR would better suit.

Some companies optimize for a specific connection, and that is usually the preferred type to use. Pay attention to the limitations of a certain topology. Most DACS/DDCs/streamers will publish their specs on a specific connection.

Can Less Expensive Electronics produce a Signal that is containing, as well as  preserves the Information offered up at the Source ?

Is all the Engineers embedded data, enabling the End Sonic to present their is the  perception of Detail, Micro Detail, Dynamics, Envelope, Coherence with a Balanced presentation across the entirety of the Frequency Range, to be discovered in the End Sound Using Less expensive Electronics?

In my experience Yes Yes Yes, but the chances of finding this using Off the Shelf - Turn Key Products will leave one with a Challenge to make such discoveries for a End Sound.

Where the experience will easily be discovered using Products that are Less Expensive is from the DIY Route, using established Kit Products produced by individuals who are adept with their EE Skill Set.

Signal Path Wire can be discovered in a variety of Cables from Branded - High End - High Price Ticket, through to much more affordable Cable containing the same Wire Type. 

If such Wire Type is known a DIY version of a Cable can be produced, offering a almost identical Signal Path to a Wire with any Price Tag sharing the same Wire.

In general a Wire in a Signal Path should get out the way and allow the Signal to be as accurate as the one produced.

Add Connectors to Cables, Add Solder, each choice will have an impact on the Signal Transferal to the Signal Path Wire.

Add Connectors on Chassis, Add Solder. Add Internal Hook Up Wire, think 'Less Expensive' these items will certainly be ones to take a hit in the allowance for a BOM.

Taking Control from Scratch and adding a improved allowance for the BOM where  Connector, Solder and Internal Hook Up Wire is a concern, will be a very good start to give a Wire Type selected as the Signal Path in a Cable an improved environment to deliver how the designers intended for it to function.  

 Reading reports made by myself on Neurochrome Amplification and PC Triple C Wire will expand on where my thoughts are coming from on the above post.   

Your polish guy is right in that on high end audio system a cable upgrade can be just as significant in SQ improvement as a new amp or cartridge or other major component.

On lesser mid fi audio equipment it may not help and may not be perceptible at all.

No different than, random analogy, putting good quality real cheese on a McDonalds burger to replace that stuff that can’t even legally be called cheese, won’t really help the burger and the burger eater would not even like it.

You appear to have at least an entry level high end system (I have not heard the speakers you have) and you will get benefit from a cable upgrade to a point. I would not go for expensive cables but mid level kimber kable or Cardas or audioquest or any of the other high end reputable brands.