

Responses from mclinnguy

Rush 50 (Anniversary Super Deluxe)
Thanks for the heads up! I haven't looked it up yet but I suppose it is a new production/mastering project.   
Need to learn about Audio Research
I have decided SS will be the way to go. Good decision. There are many maggie owners who have had a tube amp on the tweet/mids and a solid state on the bass panels but you don’t have that biamping option with the 3.7’s, not without much more ex... 
New split AC System impact on sound.
@tomaswv   The one thing I regret is not having insulators put between the compressor and the concrete pad on which it sits.  You could still do this.   
Seeking advice on skyline diffuser size and placement
If you already have GIK products why are you not asking their advice?   
Netting Over Connectors - Do They Help?
I'm checking the date, no it is not April 1. Now I am confused....   
Do I need upgraded power cables?
 Maybe my components aren't audiophile enough to justify purchasing upgraded power cords.  You won't know until you try it. Do you buy from dealers, or used?  If you have a relationship with a good dealer see if you can borrow a good demo ($10... 
1 meter speaker cables
1. At 1m length do the differences that may be present at longer lengths of say 2.5m become less noticeable? Obviously the shorter the cable the less resistance, but there is plenty more to a speaker cables function than resistance.  If you ag... 
I'm curious. What is your "normal" listening volume?
...enjoy the music and the search.jays audio review of the magico q7 don't wake up until 80 pluss db  Yet Robert Harley says these driven with the Lamm 18 watt set's "was nothing short of magical in its reproduction of timbre, space, low-level ... 
I'm curious. What is your "normal" listening volume?
Average dB readings, some peaks may be higher Early morning before wife gets up 50-55 dBC Normal listening ~70-75 dBC Very infrequently when I try to revisit my youth 80 dBC  
Soul Note DACs
"Expandable to dual mono DAC You can select between STEREO, MONO Lch, and MONO Rch modes on the D-2. In MONO mode, the ES9038PROs in the opposite channel are disabled, thus doubling the power margin and making channel separation practically infi... 
Send in the Clowns
If it measures good and sounds bad, it is bad; if it measures bad and sounds good, you've measured the wrong thing. This statement should preface every thread on every audio forum on the internet.   
Will a high quality preamp really make a difference in sound?? Also speaker cable
My local hifi store brought up a good point; they said that the only thing between your amp and your speakers are the cable. Absolutely, but talk is cheap. Don’t believe anything or anybody, just listen yourself and make your own decisions. Has... 
Send in the Clowns
The clowns will keep making the content when there are so many clowns applauding it and clicking the like button. As the comments state above, they feed each other with it.  Similarly, a few days ago I mistakingly noticed and partially watched a ... 
Buying used audio equipment in peron in Canada
Considering there are 2 states bordering Canada that do not charge sales tax, how much would you save by crossing into your country through those states? If it works the same as from the US into Canada, they don't care where you live, they only ca... 
Question for Atma-sphere, will expensive power cables improve your amplifiers?
edit: what he said ^ just in different words:  @immatthewj Why is solid core wire illegal in a power cord? It is quite possible (and rather likely) that after multiple handling and installations it could get bent back and forth enough times ...