Can I hook up a DCS Puccini player/preamplifier directly to an ARC GS150 ampilifier?

Do I require an intermediate preamplifier? I am driving impedance-challenged Wilson WattPuppy 7 speakers, and I am a lover of tube amplifiers.

Thanking folks in advance - Gerry
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A word of warning. DCS output drivers are not the best in the world. I own a full Vivaldi stack and there is a clear loss of transparency in using its balanced output over the single ended (in both cases into my ARC Ref 40 with identical AQ WEL interconnects)

Secondly see this lengthy discussion of the risks in trying to drive a tube power amp directly from a Rossini

personally if I was you I wouldn’t try this, a good tube pre will sound much better

Thank you for the feedback. I do know many who drive solid-state amplifiers directly from DACs, but I realize that I may be looking at a horse of a different color. 

Having been exposed to the arbitrary and capricious nature of the audiophile high-end marketing community, I am always trying to limit expense while increasing resolution. That being said, it is possible for me to obtain a preamplifier, I just am wary of what people say is required versus what is sufficient.

Thanks - Gerry

P.S. - Not to belabor a monotonous comparison that is often invoked, having been a purchaser of many Porsche 911s for racing over the years, a marketplace which is full of charlatans, I have to say that not only are the magazines (e.g., Stereophile, TAS) very obvious in their bias based on advertisers, but the high-end boutique stores in this domain seem prone to very aggregious sales and marketing tactics (with a very few exceptions).