can i recreate the sound of vinyl by encoding the vinyl frequencies onto digital audio?

Sam here and if all audio is made up of frequencies and i extract the frequencies from a 1st press vinyl album known for it's audiophile sound quality like pink floyd dark side of the moon or miles davis kind of blue and encode those frequencies onto digital audio will the digital audio now take on all the sound charactoristics of the 1st press vinyl including not sounding like digital audio anymore? of course it's not going to be indentical in sound however the overall sound texture that made  the vinyl stand out will now be present and noticable on the digital version. here are the audio samples from my experiment you can decide which sample had the vinyl frequencies applied.

pink floyd - meddle album - st.tropez - u.k harvest 1st press vinyl 24/96 (1971)

nick leng - lemons 2020:

nick leng - lemons 2020:

click here for the answer
why do i keep opening these silly threads even though i know better?

what is the over/under on how many stupid vinyl/digital threads Sam will open before he is ignored completely?

what is the ’mean’ IQ of this forum?

and i'm not calling Sam 'stupid'; i'm sure this is some sort of doctoral thesis research on internet forum tolerance limits.
Interesting theory. In college I took Psych and participated in several studies. It was a long time ago but one had something to do with pushing a button. That's all, just push the button. They had some instructions, sure, but all I remember any more was sitting there ten minutes pushing this button. At first I thought well it must do something. But after a couple pushes I decided no its not doing anything this is stupid and so just sat there the rest of the time. But every once in a while even though I was really sure it was a total waste of time, once in a while I would still push the damn button.
Sam here and you push the button because it make perfect common sense and if you listen to the audio samples it should be clear that my theory is correct how else can you explain my results i'm either losing my mind or i'm onto something big all important discoverys come when you think outside the box friends.