Can I RENT a record cleaning machine?

Just wondering if this is possible anywhere. I have a relatively small collection that I figure I can keep clean with cheaper means, but I would like to give my collection one thorough cleaning without having to plunk down $1,000 for a machine.

Has anyone ever done this?
I also would recommend the VPI-16.5. I just got mine and set it up and started cleaning record and it makes a huge difference, they are way quieter. It is simple to use and quick, I've heard of steam cleaning records, with people on both sides, but I guess they argue for both side of the VPI too.....
Why not post where you are and see if anyone will help you out? If you bring your own cleaning soplution I am sure someone close may be kind enough to let you use their unit, hell you may make a new friend in the bargain.
"Can you tell us what and were you bought the microfiber cloth. What steam machine are you using? "


The "Perfection Steam Cleaner" from Walgreens. Look for the $30 model, its red. 99 cent distilled water and microfiber cloths from the Home Depot (or anywhere that sells them).