Can I use 2 two channel amps to run a 3 channel system? leaving one side of an amp unused

Can I use 2 two channel amps to run a 3 channel system (left, right and center), leaving one side of an amp unused?
If it is a solid state amp it should be no problem. If it is a tube amp you will need a dummy load resistor. To be safe whether it is a solid state or tube amp you should get one of these !
What will you do with the unused stereo channel? Yes, a dummy load is the solution, but you'll be missing out on the full audio mix.

A possible setup could be:
Amp 1... L R 
Amp 2... sum the 2 channels to the middle speaker.

Any thoughts?

If the signal is a center channel output from a AVR wouldn't it be summed? 
The signal will be for a center channel from an AVR. Wouldn't the summed power be too much to the center?