I have recent personal experience on this subject. I had speaker wire made from Mogami Neglex 2534 microphone wire - star quad 2 x 24awg per lead - so 2 x the 24ga the OP asked about. With that wire the highs were wonderful, the mids almost too strong, anything lower than upper bass almost non existent. As if the woofers were disconnected. I replaced that cable w 12 ga low voltage underground cable I picked up fm Home Depot. Seems like I lost much of the resolution but that may be because the bass returned & so its not as prominent. I just finished making cables from Canare 4S11. I'll listen tomorrow & see if I get the best of both worlds. Summation: Thin wire, lost bass; Heavier cable, bass returns. Cable length about 10'. YMMV. BTW, I'm very happy w the Neglex 2534 w RCAs as interconnects - just not as speaker wire. My experience pretty much jives w what
rcronk posted above.