Can I use my passive preamp with tube amps?

I have been thinking about making the switch to some tube monos but I use a passive preamp (Bel Canto DAC3). I was wondering if a passive preamp works in the some way with tubes than solidstate. I have comared using a preamp with my current set up and I prefer the sound with the passive preamp. Thanks
It could work better, depending on the amp. Pick one that has a fairly sensitive input requirement if possible. In a recent test of the Creek passive it was found to work very well with tubes. Keep interconnect between source and preamp and preamp and amp as short as practical. I have two passives and often use them with very good results. Interconnects will make a difference but are system dependent so experiment with the ones you have or can borrow.
Find out the passive's output impedance over the standard frequency range, and check that it's well below the amps' input impedance. If OK, proceed as above.
I am using a Reference Line Preeminance 1A passive preamp with Atma-sphere M60 II.3's with stellar results. Very transparent with great detail.

I have run the same preamp with Sonic Frontiers SFS 40 with good results using both EL34 & KT 90 tubes in the SF amp.

So, yes it is possible to do it with excellent results.