Can Meridian G68 preamp bypass DSP & stay analog?

I have a Meridian G68 preamp. Obviously, if I want to use the Meridian DSPs to create a 5.1 signal from an analog stereo input, the G68 would have to convert the analog input to digital in order for the DSP to converted it to 5.1. But what if I have a high quality external stereo DAC and want to keep the stereo analog input in the analog domain without ever converting it to digital? Is that possible? Or does the G68 convert every input to digital regardless? I am asking this because the only way to amplify the external high quality DAC signal is to keep the signal analog all the way through the preamp and into the amp. Otherwise why bother with a high quality external DAC?
Why indeed? AFAIK, the Meridian equipment will digitize all analog inputs because Meridian is committed to digital loudspeakers (although analog outputs are often an option). I do know that my 861 does this and, for assessing HD/MCH sources, I have recently purchased an Audio Research MP1.

However, for listening, I have no problem feeding everything digital into the Meridian anyway, bypassing any external DACs.

Kal is correct all analog that go's into a G68 is converted to digital, them back to analog if you have a G68AXV like I do.
I purchased the G68 to do exactly what it did at the time, handle my digital sources for my theater or listening to multichannel audio. I use an Audio Research Ref3 for all analog sources including a dCS Debussy.
Here is what I am getting at. I am looking to add a new source as I think it is the weak link in my system. My system is all Meridian except for the source (HD621 -> G68 -> G57 & G55). The HD621 cleans up jitter (what jitter BW?) with the assertion that all digital signals become equal. Problem solved forever? Apparently not.

Sony PS3 and Apple TV are both connected to HD621 and PS3 sounds much better especially its bass. I am guessing the offenders are low frequency jitter and power supply noise making it through to the amp. In other words, HD621 does not clean up as well as desired.

If the processor does not clean up the source adequately then the source itself must be cleaned up. Hence, I conclude a newer cleaner source is in order. The question becomes, does it have to be analog or could it be digital? For integration I would prefer the source to be digital like a network music player.

So to answer your question Kal, "Why indeed?", the answer may be because a good DAC output is likely to be cleaner than a good digital output. But I am not positive about this. Perhaps skipping over ATV, MAC mini, and the likes and going to a network music player with a top notch power supply would do the trick. If I had a spectrum analyzer I could quantify the answer rather than just suppose.
Reasonable but inferential. If thePS3 sounds better than the ATV, perhaps an even better digital source will sound even better. I find that the better the digital source, even if its rated bandwidth exceeds that of the Meridian input (24/96), the better it sounds. And while the use of an external DAC (bypassing the Meridian's A/D/A conversion) sounds somewhat different from digital input to the Meridian, it is not superior.
An ideal clean-up PLL after the digital source would provide the same signal to the preamp, regardless of the digital source. Of course, there is no such thing as an ideal clean-up PLL. But it seems reasonable that there is one that may suffice. I just haven't found it (yet).

The better the clean-up PLL, the less important the source. A pristine source is a more pure approach. But the clean up-PLL may be a more practical approach.

How about the Synchro-Mesh?