can speaker cables help?

my system does not have much 3d depth to yhe soundstage. can cables increase the depth of the soundstage? any comments welcome, tnx! claude
My brief experience in this hobby agrees with George's statements. I have and haven't noticed changes both good and bad to my system's sound by altering components, cables/cords, isolation tweaks, power conditioning and positioning.

But that being said, I apologize Claude for possibly adding confusion to your question. Cables whether they be interconnects, speaker cables or power cords can have an effect on soundstaging. It would help if you could list your components, then maybe some recommendations would follow.
I've found Monster M1000 interconnects to dramatically enhance the illusion of depth....IN MY SYSTEM.
I fully agree with the remarks posted by George above.
Speaker cables certainly can make a difference in the
sound of your system. So can speaker placement, the type
of interconnects you use, and the various components in your
audio system. Mostly what it comes down to is matching the
right components with the right connections. It certainly
helps a lot if you have rather revealing speakers - such
as Wilson or Thiel - which tend to show up the shortcomings
in your sources or interconnects.