Can't we all just get along?

I have not been a member for a very long time, and joined Agon to discuss audio with others in my hobby. Seems to me that almost every post devolves into a hijacked  negative argument between a few members that seem to think it's their platform to preach their opinions to any who would listen, and any dissent to what they have to say is met with ridicule/insults, and just downright rudeness.

There will always be differences in opinion, BUT, we can be civilized in how we disagree.

There is already too much negativity in the world. Is it not possible to insulate that from our hobby in this forum, or is this what we have become? Hiding behind our keyboards and not having the courtesy to treat our fellow audio lovers with decency, open-mindedness, and RESPECT !

Viridian > I have had posts removed, and been censured by our moderators, presumably at the behest of other members

Blindjim > I don’t know exactly how to ask a moderator to delete a members post. In fact I had to ask another member to contact Admin for me a good while back on another matter as I could not navigate the page well enough.

I do know for a fact, moderators will act entirely on their own volition to delete posts or threads without any feedback or request from members.

Everything we do has consequences. Some good, some not good. If I felt I needed to beat a drum for whatever reason and my thoughts were being erased, I’d reconsider how I presented them. But that’s just me.

As for the qualifications to share experiences and opinions, Randy just said it pretty well. I’d only add it takes no scholarly education to provide either one or at any time, or for any subject.

I’d not forget, this is a social forum, not a clinical project or strategic think tank and as such, the bar for membership is low.

Setting unrealistic expectations upon those who wish to be helpful will very likely amount to increased internal aggravation and irritation.

The bar for social decorum within forums is lowered by whomever believes it is OK or even necessary to act discordantly, disrespectfully or inconsiderately among their fellows. Again, that’s just my two cents.

Saying what I mean, meaning what I say, and not saying it mean, usually directs traffic down a smoother broader highway.

= = = = = = = = =

Asvjerry > "Do we Always have to speak of 'things Audio' Constantly?"

Blindjim > I hope not.
= = = = = = = = = = =

When folks talk about baseball, no one expects them to have been a former MLB batting champion, major league ball club Manageer, pitching coach, or professional player.

With cars people talk about which is best, better, or worse without the need for any qualifications what so ever.

Cooking, model ship building, art, jewelry, cock roach racing, or herding cats takes no higher education to become an interest or devotion. It takes but a pot, some paint, or more than six cats. Yeah, it’s a small herd, but ya gotta start small with cat herds. Trust me.

IME its been proven time and again, people will always reveal themselves. At some point. In due course. Often it comes quite regularly with snipets of personal insights, historical inferences and professed biases and preferences. One only has to pay attention to see how ernest, sincere, or maybe ‘qualified’ someone is on any given subject.

Beyond all the White paper technical data is the application of the design or implementation of the theory. On these accounts many are qualified to respond. In fact, but a few are indeed able to account for particular combinations of equipment as their experiences have demonstrated. No designer, technician,dealer, distributor, or service agent regardless their credentials could ever supply commensurate useful information.

Sometimes to get out of a hole, a person needs someone who has been in that same hole before and found their way out.

It don’t take a geologist to know the lay of the land. Merely walking around it a good bit will suffice.


+1. I am from Chicago.

We like to vote early and vote often +2 

blindjim > Started feeding 1 feral cat. Now I have 10. Food and Vet bills are cutting into my audio funds. I think I can register the Cat herd in Chicago; +3
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