Can the Rowland Concentra II be beat?????

I am trying to make the leap to a Intergrated Amp and there a number out there for the taking. Is there an amp that will out perform the Concentra II in the intergrated market?? Balance, sonics, soundstage - the Roland has it all, come one come all--Is there a condentender out there that can take this one on and win??? If so, WHO?
The integrated amps from Accuphase are my personal favorites. They easily give the Rowland a run for the money.

Happy Listening!
Hi Jpayne, try to add one of the Gryphon integrateds to your list. They have a 100 and 200 watt version. I heard the comparison of the 100 watt Gryphon vs the Concentra ll at my friends store who is a high end audio dealer. We both thought the Gryphon was clearly the better of the two. Could be that the Venture speaker matched better with the Gryphon. IMO it wasn't much of a contest. You may feel differently but I would be surprised. Opinions don't mean much. Your opinion is the only one that matters. Good hunting.
If you can find a Pathos dealer in your area, give the Twin Towers a try ... in the right system, this amp is AMAZING!!
