Can these speakers handle Neil Young's Le Noise?

G'day all,
I am a brand new member to Audiogon and look forward to your experienced and knowledgable comments.
I have recently purchased parasound jc1 monblocs and jc2 preamp, and Leema Antila II cd.
I managed to melt both my treble units listening to Mr Young last week.
I'd like to preview some of the best speakers think Magico II minis; Focal la scalas; Logan clx anniversary or ??? around 30K new or second hand.
Can you guys help me shortlist the best marriage here for a lifelike sound with acoustic, R&B, jazz, and all forms of rock into a mid to large room of (30'x 20').
Many thanks for any help you can provide.
there is a pair of tidal contriva diacera-se speakers on audiogon ..used for $34000...if you budget can go up a little these are absolutely superb and your equiptment will easily drive them...
If you really want to boogie in a large room, you might want to consider and have access to the Classic Audio Reproductions line, you might want to give their T-1 a listen. If you fried the tweeters on your old speakers, you were probably driving the amp into clipping. The much higher efficiency of the Classic Audio line will require relatively little power to reach live spls, which in turn is likely to keep your amp from clipping. I've heard them in very large rooms at shows (maybe 40 x 40 or bigger) w amps that will deliver have much lower output than the JC-1s (of course they WERE tube watts). They sound fantastic and can reach very high spls.

Another possibility to consider would be a line-source speaker. They do not drop off as rapidly in volume w distance as a point source speaker. Pipedreams, Dali Megalines (maybe more of a quasi line-source) or Audience comes to mind.

Remember when trying to extrapolate from someone else's results, that a 30 x 30 room has almost 3x the volume of a 20 x 15 room. Maybe more if your large room has higher than normal ceilings.
If your thinking Focal Nova Utopias I would say absolutley but SS amps don't do them justice. Mono Block BAT amps sounded incredible the last time I heard them paired. For a more practical answer consider Wilson Audio speakers but again I am not sure if the Parasound Halos are a good match. I have blown the inverted dome tweeter on my speakers (Focal) which are the same or similar to Wilson's Tweeters. The Sasha and the Sophias are under 30K I think. There are usually a couple of bigger older models from Wilson for sale, they may play loud enough for you.
Interesting responses thanks all - I'm happy with my cd and amps and frankly I find tubes too cosseting (but very good), I think I will research tidals, wilsons are just too ugly to my wife, and there was no clipping from where I sat just scanspeaks getting a toasting due to Mission speaker peccadilos!
Consider horns you will not reach the limits on a horn based loudspeaker like you will a dynamic based design.