Can these speakers handle Neil Young's Le Noise?

G'day all,
I am a brand new member to Audiogon and look forward to your experienced and knowledgable comments.
I have recently purchased parasound jc1 monblocs and jc2 preamp, and Leema Antila II cd.
I managed to melt both my treble units listening to Mr Young last week.
I'd like to preview some of the best speakers think Magico II minis; Focal la scalas; Logan clx anniversary or ??? around 30K new or second hand.
Can you guys help me shortlist the best marriage here for a lifelike sound with acoustic, R&B, jazz, and all forms of rock into a mid to large room of (30'x 20').
Many thanks for any help you can provide.
If your thinking Focal Nova Utopias I would say absolutley but SS amps don't do them justice. Mono Block BAT amps sounded incredible the last time I heard them paired. For a more practical answer consider Wilson Audio speakers but again I am not sure if the Parasound Halos are a good match. I have blown the inverted dome tweeter on my speakers (Focal) which are the same or similar to Wilson's Tweeters. The Sasha and the Sophias are under 30K I think. There are usually a couple of bigger older models from Wilson for sale, they may play loud enough for you.
Interesting responses thanks all - I'm happy with my cd and amps and frankly I find tubes too cosseting (but very good), I think I will research tidals, wilsons are just too ugly to my wife, and there was no clipping from where I sat just scanspeaks getting a toasting due to Mission speaker peccadilos!
Consider horns you will not reach the limits on a horn based loudspeaker like you will a dynamic based design. will not reach the limits on a horn based loudspeaker like you will a dynamic based design.

Agreed, which is why I suggested the Classic Audio Reproductions. Its the only horn that I have listened to recently.
Forgot treble. The la noise 2 channel blu ray disc has the most ridiculous amount of bass on any disc I own. I guess it is harder to blow up a JL113 sub than a tweeter though.

If you are in the market for a 30K speaker and listen to a lot of acoustic music, you could consider the Verity Audio Sarastro. My smaller Parsifals work magic in a smaller (13 x 20) room. There are two pairs listed at the moment. Not the type of speaker you buy without listening first though.