Can tube amps give true high end bass?

I got the giant Silverline Grande La Folia speakers. They are really good and true high end in my opinion. They are efficient ca 93Db but got for bass 4 x 9,5´ dynaudio woofers in each cabinet. I have tried 2 tube amps with them: Antique Sound Labs monos 2x60w and a protype VERY good 2x40W with El34 tubes (more about that amp in a later tread). And I have tried 2 transistor amps: An Ayre V1xe and Krell 450mcx monos. All givin very good sound in the mids and heigths BUT very different in bass. In my opinion the best bass was from the tube amps. Powerful deep bass!!

My dealer clames that such big speakers need a lot of power to control the 8 woofers: You must have several 100W i.e. tranistor or BIG tube amps like big VTL. With the "small" tube amps, that you have tried, the woofers get out of control and "pumping" air in an incorrect way. This movement in the woofers gives sound on it own that you only THINK is good bass!

Beeing an audiophile for 30 years I think I can determine when I hear good bass. But I am puzzled! -How can a 40W tube amp give better bass that Krell 450 monos?
Swampwalker,i believe you.From my short experience,Ralph is very knowledgeable.
I spoke to Trlin about Atma-sphere,and he has told me good things about that company.So they are known in Croatia.
Trlin also told me that he has planned building an OTL prototype amp himself, but never got around to do it.He will use 6C33C tubes in his amp.Russian-made.

I am running a homemade SET with about 1.8 watts per channel on 93 db horn speakers! Yes, VERY tight and articulate bass!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep in mind that alot of what most people hear in the bass department being reproduced by their systems was never recorded on the disc or album. This is sometimes due to the relationship between amplifier and speaker.

The speakers ends up producing a "Boom Boom" type sound that many have come to accept as "Monster Bass". Then they get to the concert and do not hear this live and wonder why!

Yes, tubes can do it with the right loudspeaker! Other than flying around the country to audition different systems - you can read articles from websites like to get a feeling of which amplifiers do what best! It won't cover all amplifiers - but it will give you an idea as far as what has been reviewed; and, they do grade the products under review.

Triodes are best but have limited power. Pentodes are more powerful in the watts department but will not match the fine detail of a triode. Decisions...decisions!

Hope this helps

Studio 1
I think that bass response has something to do with watt power.In my office, i will use Trlin Audio 320B XLS SET monoblocks.He wanted to make them 10 Watts each,but i insisted on full power - 18 watts per channel.
I think that somehow these extra 8 watts will contribute to better bass output.I don't need them for volume reasons, we listen to music very quietly in the office.
I think tubes will last shorter this way and all 18 Watts will contribute to the sound, no matter how loud i listen to the music.
I know most of you will not agree with this, but i think i am right.I will find out soon enough, that's for sure.
P.S.The speakers are B and W 602 s3 (90 db).Maybe i will replace them with Silverline monitor 17.5 in some time.

To an extent - extra power will bring more dynamics and weight to a presentation as long as the rest of the sysyem is capable!