Can tubes ever be as quiet Solid State

Recently I have had a major frame shift in my view regarding new production tubes which are getting to be pretty darned good over old tubes which still have marvelous sonic attributes but are often plagued by unwanted noises.This has resulted in my preferring certain current production over old stock more and more.
My question isn't are older tubes even NOS better than new production rather the question is are any tube systems able to match the noise floor of the quieter solid state amps? I was thinking in particular of gain stages in a phono stage. Opinions please
I recently purchased a tube DAC linestage the stock tubes gave a good soundstage and detail. I replaced them with bugleboys and there was a big improvement. I then replaced those with 1950 vintage tubes and the soundstage then became enormous and the dynamics induced anxiety. I have a Accuphase C200 SS preamp that I am going to put back in the loop. As I remember the noise floor was extremely low and it will be intersting to AB the two.

Using a VAC 70/70 MKII which I find gives a totally black background and recently retubed with Sophia carbon plates. The super low noise floor shows defects in related equipment easily. If the Accuphase is as I remember and the upgrade (being done now) improves the noise floor the resulting combination should produce a stunning synergy.

My VAC is as good as it gets but on the pre amp side if the SS is better I would jump for joy as the quality of the smaller tubes produced now does not come close to older NOS tubes. A headache that I can do without.
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The trick to getting tubes to be really quiet is the same that is used by transistors- fully differential circuits with really good constant current sources, with a well-regulated bi-polar power supply

This is not to say that such a circuit will be as quiet as the very quietest transistors, but it will sound better and will be quieter than many transistor circuits as well.

Many well-regarded 'tube' phono sections are actually hybrid. Just my opinion, but the idea of installing a solid state filter at the input of a phono section does not work for me. If I'm going to have analog, I want all the detail and the smoothness its known for...
Well designed modern tube products are as quiet as any solid state product out there. I currently have a Mac tube pre amp and amp, and I can turn the volume up completely with nothing playing and there is no sound, complete silence. I have both VLT and ARC products completely silent as well.
I can turn the volume up completely with nothing playing and there is no sound, complete silence.

Was it plugged in?

I have not even heard SS that can do that - not if you put your ear up to the tweeter with the volume turned all the way up.