Can tubes ever be as quiet Solid State

Recently I have had a major frame shift in my view regarding new production tubes which are getting to be pretty darned good over old tubes which still have marvelous sonic attributes but are often plagued by unwanted noises.This has resulted in my preferring certain current production over old stock more and more.
My question isn't are older tubes even NOS better than new production rather the question is are any tube systems able to match the noise floor of the quieter solid state amps? I was thinking in particular of gain stages in a phono stage. Opinions please
Presently there two 1940's TungSol JAN CTL/VT-231 round plates, two 1940's Sylvania 6SN7W tall bottles, and six Siemens CCa's(beside the eight Winged 'C' 6550's) residing in my system. If there were ANY noise AT ALL at the speakers(with the pre-amp gain cranked to 99.9), I would be forced to find the problem and remove it immediately(I detest noise). My system is dead quiet, and anyone in the Indianapolis area is welcome to drop by and verify that for the inevitable doubters(bring your noise-sniffer). OH- and YES: Sucess IS all about doing your homework!
I had a Bat 51SE pre that was extremely quiet, but regardless I think Tvad nailed it:
I've owned many more tube components that were "noisy" but musical, than I have solid state that were quiet and musical.
I thank all off you for your insight thoughts and experiences. I would like to confess a bit more. My "big rig" is all tube and the tubes used are probably old stock not New Old Stock.
I say this but do have many true NOS tubes. Nonetheless for all intents and purposes NOS is virtually extinct as a readily available commodity except as Feil said from carefully selected dealers. These dealers are very honest and also know what is NOS and what is not. BTW I own several testers and strong testing tubes are not NOS just strong. Tubes can get very noisy quickly even if they are NOS. My dealer of 6SN7s was a true expert and only sold superb tubes often for a premium he offered NOS. Even his best would get microphonic that's the nature of that tube. I am lucky to have tubes from him. He last wrote to me that he was going to throw in towel as sourcing these tubes is getting impossible. He sold here by the tag Whoopdeedaooda or close to that. Also LEN on the inmate place.
My phono stage dilmena is still a problem. I switched from an ARC SP6B with gain to knock you over( 6X 12AX7) but every other noise could be heard and using even real NOS and new tubes didn't change that. I am currently running a line stage AE-3 which is great. Maybe its the fact that it uses my favorite tube 6SN7s. I will have to check out Modright. Thanks
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I'd love to know what conditions that measurement was taken under to get a number like that.