Can you help a computer "idiot" ?

I have been trying find an ad for some items that were listed on Rec Audio Marketplace about a week or two ago, but can't figure out how to do a search of newsgroups. The seller was an Audiogon member, but i can't recall their member name. Can anybody point me to a search engine that "specializes" in newsgroups or show me how to do a "general" search using something like Google, etc... that may net me the results that i'm looking for ? I would greatly appreciate it and i'm sure that there are others that out here that would like to learn a few new "tricks" in terms of being able to do more in-depth searches. Sean
How can one EASILY transfer the entire contents of their "inbox" when using Outlook Express over to a floppy or CD ? Please bare in mind that i AM a computer idiot. If you are going to offer advice, please be prepared to hold my hand all the way through the process : ) Sean
I'm no savant either, but I do write stuff down when someone shows me the way.

Go to Windows Explorer from Programs. When that window opens go to C:\Windows>\application data>\microsoft>\internet explorer. NOW manually drag/copy the .DBX files to the A: drive. If you have a ZIP drive or cdR it would be better since some of the files can be very large.

If it doesn't work please let me know. Also, I back-up my addresses (by exporting them to Excell and then dragging them)and favorite book marks (export them directly to my ZIP drive). When one loses a hard drive unexpectily, one learns to do this on a regular basis.

Good luck.
Lngbruno: Thanks for the resonse. I do not know what OS you are running, but i came up in "never-never" land when i did what you said. For the record, i have XP on this computer, so that might change a few things. Sean