Can you identify these components?

Trying to figure out what's in my father's stereo system. I don't feel like asking him again what this sutff is and he gets irritated anyway. Figured out these so far:

1. The preamp is a Conrad Johnson PV 10A.
2. Top cd player is a Sony Playstation SCPH-1001.
3. The speakers are New Large Advent Loudspeakers
4. The power amp is a Vincent SP-331MK.

What are the CD player, tuner, and audio rack? Extra credit for making a guess on the cables.
I only have the one picture of the front of the stereo unfortunately. The CD deck is a very scarce item on the interwebs. I guess I could ask him and not run much risk of annoyance since I know what most of it is now. I found the rack in a slightly different configuration on an Italian site called a "Targhet" which I guess means Target. As far as the CD player, I know he buys things The Absolute Sound and Stereophile rave about as long as it is a good bang-for-the-buck sort of an item. His philosophy is to buy the cheapest component those sources rave about while studying the issue literally a decade. He researches the crap out of any component he buys, which makes it kind of odd that he hates talking about it but he is an odd guy. I am building my own system using his as a model. I am not sure what he hears in the speakers, but then again I have never had a set and TAS really loves them.

Here's one more picture but it probably won't help.
The amplifier might be a Belles model. Can't really see the front too well though.
Never mind. I re-read your post and see that you already had the power amp identified. I guess I was thrown by the second picture. :)
Thanks you guys for helping. I can ask the owner (my father) what the CD player is next time I get a chance.