Canare star quads?

is anybody familiar with these speakers cables? i have a pair of b&w 605s2 and a NAD T770 receiver and was wondering if these would be a good match. any thoughts are appreciated? thanks in advance.
I bought a 300 meter spool of 4s11 and heve used it extensively in my HT and one of my stereo set -ups. Terminated them myself, biwired the B&Ws and then I started trying Cable Co. stuff in the $500 to $1000 range. I am happy to say that so far, of 6 sets I have tried, only the Oval 9s are as good. The canare are much cheaper of course, but you do have to do a little work. Obviously your experience may vary. When I started out with that spool I was just playing around, trying to learn.... I did not really expect the results to be so satisfying. Have fun!
This has basically been my experience too. I have tried
others and it is a very good value. It seems to be transparent and neutral and that is a good sign. I think a
person could obviously spend a lot more for fancier, and packaging, name, etc, and really not gain anything.
I think one must be very careful to not step in the foo-foo.
great, thanks for the responses. i hate to even spend a little money without getting some opinions from those who have come before.