Candidates for Re-mastering?

What would be your recommendations for great music, but not the greatest sound quality recordings (at least what is commercially available)...and thus would be at the top of your lists as candidates for re-mastering, or finding the orginal tapes to be reissued, SACD re-issues etc etc? The 'to die for" lists in stereophile and audiogon don't take this into account. Digital formats only.

Here are few of mine to get things started.
Beatles: Abbey Road, Sgt Pepper, Rubber Soul (if ABKO can do it for the Rolling Stones, can someone else do it for the Beatles, please!)
Weather Report: Heavy Weather: SACD available but done poorly in my opinion.
Led Zep IV
all of James Brown (especially Funk Power!) and Sly Stone recordings
I kinda meant that by the time someone is 50 years old (like Roy) it's time to get over this stuff. The man had been playing music, and getting songs played on the radio, since the early 1960s.
thanx for the redtrumpet tip Tomryan. Will check it out. Here is another one; Mahavishnu Orchestra. The CDs of Innermounting Flames etc sound like garbage: especially for thei stype of music where there is so much going on, it really needs instruments being separated occupying their own space: The CDs mid range is all grunge, metallic and hard to follow the bass for example. I used to have their LPs, but no longer have such a system...
Mahavishnu Orch. was remastered in very good sound about 4-5 years ago. This includes Inner, Birds of Fire, and The Lost Trident Sessions. Check out this last one and the story behind it. These are the 20 bit Sony remasters and all sound gobs better than original CDs.