That was a good point on the voltage. I of course do not need the high voltage. I wonder how much of the extra cost was due to that which is of no use to me.
I will be happy to be just done with this! Several months now of one speaker most of the time. This may sound strange but one really good speaker is better than two poor ones. Now two excellent ones this should be something. What I have noticed so far is you can hear around the instrument. Now feed those tweeters with a much quieter signal. Hmmm looking forward to it.
I will be happy to be just done with this! Several months now of one speaker most of the time. This may sound strange but one really good speaker is better than two poor ones. Now two excellent ones this should be something. What I have noticed so far is you can hear around the instrument. Now feed those tweeters with a much quieter signal. Hmmm looking forward to it.