I've decided to give the Jupiter Cu foil capacitors a go in my Frankenstein MK II amplifier. Joe and Grannyring's experiences are very persuasive. I know what the Duelund CAST has done for me and love them. Enough people have directly compared these two and concluded that the Jupiter is the sonic equal or perhaps better for considerably less money. All I require is 1 pair (1 cap for each mono bock) and that's it. There's lots of space in the amplifier for either brand of capacitor. I'm hooked on the natural dielectric material design as well. The more I think about it, as wonderful as the Frankenstein sounds, either of these two should honestly be an upgrade to the generic Solens capacitor (I'll see if this is in fact true). Carefully fine tuning already proven audio components has been successful for me so far. I hope that trend continues with this decision.