Capacitors for BAT VK-60

I'm planning to change the Jensen caps.
I don't really like how they(Jensens) sound so I've been thinking about Multicaps, Auricaps or the red Dynamicaps.
Any suggestion?
Has anyone did a change like this and how was the sound after that?
Hello Sherod, my source for the caps is in Singapore. Anyway, Solen does not manufacture more than 0.82uF for the 450Vdc versions. If you need 1uF and above, I guess you can try paralleling them (when you parallel caps, the capacitance add up, eg 0.5 + 0.5 = 1.0). They are non-polarised. Before you do anything, do give SCR or Solen an email.

Given their lower cost, just 2 or 4 Solen FEPs should be pretty manageable. Good luck! :)
Capacitors, resistors, int.wiring...

Capacitors: Is it correct if I'll use bigger values?
Right now is 0.22mf.What if I put a pair of 1.00mf ?

Resistors: Which resistors are the most important in vk-60 for change ? In what position ? Does anyone knows that?

Internal wiring: Any suggestion ? What if I replace that grey Belden ? Perhaps with Kimber ?

Viewed through the side or bottom cover, you’ll see four 2”L x 3/4”W yellow/green caps across the PCB beneath the 6C33C tubes. The caps are marked Balance Audio Technology ..22uf/630V. They can be desoldered without removing the main PCB, and replaced with four V-Cap TFTF .22uf/600V. When installing the V-Caps, face the red lead to the rear of the chassis and the green lead to the front. Put a piece of Radio Shack double-sided cushioning tape between each cap & the PB.
Replacing the stock Belden low-level signal wire with better IC wire is a good idea. Raising the value of the coupling caps will exaggerate bass response, perhaps to a fault. IMO nothing is wrong with LF in the BAT other than that it could be tighter & more dynamic-- and you will get to this with .22uf V-Caps.

Just 0.22mf or bigger ?

About LF I agree.It really is a strong point of vk-60 anyway.
