Capitol Audio Fest Speakers?

So what did everybody like at CAF?

I've never heard Tidal speakers before but was very impressed. No doubt they stoles the show. Both the ones for $20k and their big brothers. Amazing.

In the $4k range I was impressed with the Audionote J series. Granted they had $20k in electronics behind them but really sounded good. There was another $4k speaker floor stander made from carved reclaimed looking wood. Seemed like a prototype from a new company but I thought it was impressive looking and sounding for the price. Would have brought it home if I had the dosh.

In the Everyman category I thought The Clue speakers showed a lot of potential especially with their new bass module. But the room was way too small having to sit 4 feet in front of them. And once the rum started going later in the day the volume kept going up and up. But I have a feeling they could sound really good in the right room with good setup. The bass modules were just clue speakers without tweeters, but really increased bass authority and dimensionality. Really like adding two subs.

Showing 4 responses by pops

I too was impressed with the Surreal Sound speakers and the output in such a large space. Not hard on the eyes either.

The Tron preamps and Ortofon Windfel cartridge was probably my favorite setup. They had some vintage first pressings and some great mono selections also. Being an analog fan I thought they had some of the best sound at the show.

Although, not a huge fan of MBL it was a treat hearing Led Zeppelin on tape at concert levels.
Good call Grimace, I thought I was at the movies a couple of times. It was almost at breakpoint!!!

+1Salectric....nice to go home and hear the best sound of the day.
Dopogue, thanks for the clarification on those speakers. I too could not believe the output they were putting out! His complete system really sounded great and was one of the memorable systems of the show for me.
I'm with you Elevick regarding the Tidals, just too smooth and hifi sounding to me. I am starting to wonder if big speakers do it for me. The monitors in several rooms were very impressive.

Larryi agreed, I thought all the vinyl setups sounded great and IMHO outperformed digital. I can spot digital a mile away! I also heard the same thing in the MBL room with regards to bass. He had Led Zepp II cranked! It was so impressive for a song or 2 and then the shortcomings appeared, no range in the bass but Jimmy Page in particular sounded like he was playing live in a jazz club - impressive.

Probably the best learning for me at the show was mono vinyl in the Highwater room. I never listen to mono and do not own a mono cartridge or phono preamp. But it sure sounds different than stereo, more realistic tone and at least with what I heard.

I thought the Soundsmith room was excellent also, he also had monitors that sounded great and put some major tone out! Can't remember the brand????

One thing maybe someone can help me understand. Some of the vinyl for sale was really expensive, like $50 and up.