Capri to the monoblocs 501, which cables?
I have just bought Jeff Rowlnds Capri and monoblocs 501
(Cd Player Denon DCD 2700 / Loudspeakers Infinity Renaissance 90)
I am hearing 85% classical music, mostly orchestral works and opera. I have been trying (starting from the Denon)
a) NBS Monitor active III / NBS Monitor III / NBS Monitor IV
very fast, incredible precision and details , amazimg soundstaging beautifull space beetween the instruments but, and this is a big but, absolutely awfull sound of the strings, harsch and uncultivated with too much white and pink noise
b) Shunyata Antares / NBS monitor III / NBS monitor IV
less detailed but more homogeneous, more organig picture of the whole, more polite ... sounds as if some tube would be there, I am not sure it is the reality and it seems to me creating some colour and fake sound-staging
c) Transparent ref / NBS monitor III / XLO Pro 650
female voice for example, lacking body, no enough texture, everything a little bit lean
Thank you for advices
kind Regards