Cardas Interconnect Upgrade??????

Currently I am using all Cardas Crosslink interconnects from my Rotel RSP-1066 processor, Rotel RMB-1075 5 channel amp, Rotel RDV-1080 DVD and Rotel 991 AE CD Player. I also run the entire Vandersteen speaker
set-up for 5.1 home theater. Now I would like to relocate the processor, but this would mean I would have to change out my 1 and 1.5 Meter Crosslinks for 2.0 M cables.
But to the meat of my question, can anyone tell me for the price range of equipment I have. Would I be investing in a noticable difference if I was to change at least the Right and Left front channels to say the Cardas Cross interconnect, if not all the front three speakers?
I am running the Vandersteen 2CE Signature Series for fronts and the VCC-1 for a Center. When I purchased the cables from my local dealer he told me that if I was to upgrade interconnects that the difference would be minimal.
So any suggestions??? then at least the Quadlink 5-c's or even the Cross Series maybe?
I would appreciate all opinions in my quest to optimize my system within a reasonable monetary figure.
Thank You,
going up the line in cardas ( outside of the neutral series)is a step toward warmer and warmer cables. the golden cross was probley the warmest cable i have ever heard before in my life.

alot would depend where you want to take sound. most cables fall into two camps:

warm/body/bloom - cardas
transparent/imaging/bass- xlo

i would suggest taking as many cables as you can home and listen for yourself. try changing both sets of ic's with mixing and matching.

hope that helps !!

Forgot to mention: the "right direction" is a regular seller here on Audiogon...VERY dependable and an asset to this website.
Your dealer is wrong. I have one pair each of all of the Cardas line and there's a definite difference as you go "up the line". The Quadlink 5C's would be a good upgrade. I don't sell Cardas but I can point you in the right direction for good prices.