I am selling my Quicksilver full function pre that was rewired by a professional with MIT wire. It opened up the sound and tightened up the bass, but left the beautiful Quicksilver sound. It's much less than what you are looking to spend, but I'd put it's sound up against most in the 3k range. New it cost 2k plus the $300 upgrade. Full 5AR4 rectifier section. It was purchased in 95 I believe as I got my Silver Mono's that I'm also selling off at the same time. It's in great shape. I've changed over to Ayre solid state stuff and am selling off three systems. I even have what was top of the line MIT MH 770 speaker cable that was tuned for the Quicksilver amps. Please let me know if you have interest. you can't go wrong with any of Mike Saunders, Quicksilver equipment.
Care to recommend a preamp?
I am looking for my next preamp (likely used) - must be all tube and come with a top notch phono section as vinyl is my source of choice. Ideally it would also have a remote. I plan to spend somewhere in the $2k-$3.5k and am currently considering a Supratek Chenin, and a Cary SLP-98, though perhaps I would consider Thor or McIntosh. Currently, I pair a Conrad Johnson PV-5 with a CJ 2200 SS power amp. My tt is an old Oracle with a Dynavector high output MC and I occasionally play tapes using a Revox A-77. Speakers are Maggies with an Infinity SW.
Anyone care to weigh in with suggestions?
Anyone care to weigh in with suggestions?