I've viewed many needles under the scope over the years. Rarely did I see one that was actually worn. I did see a few where the stylus had been sheared off of the cantilever... and a lot of dirty styli :)
As the cartridge ages, usually whether it is played or not, the cantilever suspension will perish. As this happens, the cartridge will begin to mistrack; often it will sound harsher. With most cartridges 2-3 years is about all you can hope for before the cantilever has to be refurbished.
As the cartridge ages, usually whether it is played or not, the cantilever suspension will perish. As this happens, the cartridge will begin to mistrack; often it will sound harsher. With most cartridges 2-3 years is about all you can hope for before the cantilever has to be refurbished.