Cartridge aging and tip wear symtoms?

I have had my Benz Ruby for a couple of years now and while it still sounds great; I am wandering if anyone can
definitively say what are the symtoms to look out for in regards to the diamond tip beginning to wear.
20 plus years on the same mc FR cartridge and no sign of cantilever distress.
"with most cartridges 2-3 years is about all you can hope for before the cantilever has to be refurbished"is enough to scare a lot of people away from vinyl.
I'll wager I am not the only person with an oldie still working.
Or am I?
Any other survivor stories?
A worn out cart will start to distort on the inner groves.Its a symptom.I know i have had it happen to me.
You can certainly get a lot of cartridges to play for years. But- they won't sound right nor will they track right. So far I don't know of anything that lasts forever, although in terms of recordings, LPs are probably the longest-lived media.
Sibilance, inner groove distortion, high end roll off.

Of utmost importance is keeping the stylus clean. Do a search for the "Magic Eraser" threads. There is nothing comparable to this inexpensive little gadget.
I just got a new cart. and have to go thru all the "break in" time that others claim. I had a used MC that I thought sounded pretty good, it might have been at least 20 years old but with little wear. It did not have any symptoms of old age that I could detect, tracked well and no distortion. Well I decided to put it on ebay and now perhaps almost regret it. The buyer took a long time to pay. I was almost hoping he was a non payer so I could change my mind. No matter, he came thru eventually and I shipped today. I expect to get the long life from this new MC. Well be glad you don't have a Victrola. The needles were good for exactly one play each, if the steel type! I have a Victrola and they still make the needles for the wind up acoustic things! Direct to disc, no electronic distortions. So must sound great!