Cartridge Break-in at High VTF?

I'd like to know if anyone has knowledge and experience breaking in a new cartridge at a slightly higher vertical tracking force than the manufacturer's normal recommended force. I'm thinking if the cartridge's recommended VTF is 2 grams, then I'd break it in at something like 2.5 g. The way I'm thinking, this would loosen the suspension more in a vertical direction. Assuming I don't put too much force on the cantilever (like 2.5 g vs. 2), is this a good thing or not?

Showing 1 response by dougdeacon

The Cardas record has cartridge break in tracks designed to excercise a new suspension in both lateral and vertical modes. It's made with locked grooves and a harder than normal vinyl, to withstand extended plays in the same groove. I would use that at the manufacturer's recommended maximum VTF before I'd go 25% above the maximum. One hour on the Cardas tracks is worth several hours of music.

OTOH, I wouldn't bother if the cartridge sounded okay for listening OOTB. I'd just play music and enjoy (and learn from) the changes. Cartridges vary all over the lot in terms of how they sound when new and how quickly or slowly they break in. Hearing them change can be interesting, in a geeky sort of way. ;-)