Cartridge Match for Krell KPE Reference/Rega P25

I'm having a hell of a time picking a cartridge for my Rega P25 mated with a KPE Reference. The maximum load setting is 1k and so far the two cartridges I've auditioned seem to overload the system: Grado Sonata Low Output MM had the woofers jumping at ridiculously quiet levels. A Blue Point Hi Output MC was better but still difficult to find a compromise that produced quality sound. I've determined that a low output MC is probably what will get the job done and was wondering if anybody had a recommendation. I'd like to stay under a grand. Benz Micro Glider L2 was on my short list. Any other suggestions?
I'd have to say the Lydian Beta. But, I have not heard the Shelter-so factor that in.

Also, I used to have a rega 25. Ditto the recommendation on the counterwieght, vta adjuster. Also, try a different matt, the ringmat helped me. Finally, change the arm cables. Spend as much as you can here.

Oh, one last thing, I put my p25 on DH cones and squares, the jumbos. Put the cones real close to the rubber feet. Tighted focus and depth quite a bit.

Good luck...
I'd also look into the Ortofon Kontrapunkt B at about $600 NIB here on Agon from Mrstereo and others. It is an outstanding cartridge for the money.
I can't comment on the Shelter (have not heard it) but both the heavyweight and the VTA adjustment made noticable improvements in my P-25. I am very happy with my Dynavector 17 D-II, Karat. It is low output (0.23mv) and loaded at 100 ohms, it is the best I have heard on my Rega.
Ditto - the Dynavector 17D2 is what we sell on P25's most regularly. Fabulous cartridge on that table.
hi im looking for a krell mc stage is it a good sounding unit or to forword my krell cd is forward but with a mellow line stage it great anyone selling a krell i know it will handle the lowest output mcs so look for low output they sound more detailed to .33 or less