Cartridge options going forward

As much as I hate to admit it, my Lyra Etna is getting a little long in the tooth. I really look forward to listening to music with this cartridge but the amount of money they get for it has reached the point where I want to consider a more fiscally responsible alternative. I have owned a Kleos and Skala before the Etna and while the Kleos is good, it is not an Etna.  Any ideas?
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If you can locate one you might give some consideration to the new "HANA RED".
Recently sent my MC to soundsmith for repair and they did a great job . Having said that have you ever tried a Koetsu or Kiseiki ? They sound stunning and very natural .
Faced with a similar dilemma I decided to try something radically different while I arranged for a rebuild of my Proteus and ordered an SPU Royal N. My tone arm allows some flexibility of effective mass by changing the material of a sub plate on which the cartridge is mounted. I could go from 13g with aluminium to 18g with brass, with the weight of the cartridge, its adapter and screws this gives 35.5g against the cartridges compliance and it seems to be enough for decent bass performance. Ortofon’s own arms have an effective mass of  between 3 and 5g without a headshell and a G series SPU weighs 30g so they would play in the same region. If you know the weight of your headshell  you can work out if your Jelco will give an SPU a decent ride. 
What I did find is that once aligned an SPU with a replicant stylus is a very enjoyable cartridge, to the point I’m not sure I’ll keep the Proteus, but I will send it to Ana Mighty Sound and try the result before deciding.
An SPU Royal GM is the equivalent pickup head to the Royal N, it will be at the limit of your arm’s antiskate adjustment according to the numbers but I found the the Royal N didn’t need nearly as much as the 3g VTF would suggest.
Thats only one option of course, there’s a lot of cartridges out there, If my phonostage could take the output level I’d have been tempted to try an EMT but even a standard Lyra is above optimum.
Meanwhile investigate a Lyra rebuild, I don’t know the US situation but in the UK they don’t charge as much as some other makes and they will upgrade to λ spec, you might even be able to opt for SL but that is a guess.

The Etna is that much better than the Kleos? I own the Kleos and it's outstanding. If the Etna is that much better I would send it to Lyra for a rebuild.
Mtwilke, Get yourself an Ortofon Windfeld Ti then send the Etna back to Lyra to rebuild when finances allow. Then you will always have a back up if something goes wrong and you won't be in this position again. The Windfeld Ti is a great cartridge that punches way above it's price point. It is very neutral and an excellent tracker. You will see this in all the reviews. In the meanwhile you can have an Etna Lamda at a significant savings.