I just got a Denon 103R from Koji, for just under $300, shipping and everything included. His email is koji@eifl.co.jp
cartridge recomendations
Hi 'Gonners
I am looking to purchase a turntable shortly. My current choices are down to a Nottingham Horizon or a Michell Gyro SE. My question, I need a cartridge that will work with these tables in the $300. price range-give or take a little-.I prefer a new cart rather than a used one, got any suggestions?
I am looking to purchase a turntable shortly. My current choices are down to a Nottingham Horizon or a Michell Gyro SE. My question, I need a cartridge that will work with these tables in the $300. price range-give or take a little-.I prefer a new cart rather than a used one, got any suggestions?