Cartridge Recommendation

I have been struggling the past 5 months to get a Miyajima Kansui to work in my system. Wonderful midrange but too polite up top and not lively enough.

Associated equipment is Technics SP-10/Dobbins plinth,
12" Reed 2A Cocobolo arm, Herron VTPH-2, very modified Cary SLI-80 amp and Tekton speakers. I will likely be moving to headphones soon as part of a move so the Cary/Tekton will be replaced by Stax SR-009 phones and a comparable headphone amp.

Budget is around $6,500.
I have an excellent ZYX 4D-G/SB cartridge barely broken in that is very detailed and musical. It's also very extended in the high frequencies. It is for sale here on Audiogon for a very attractive price if you're interested.

What is the gain of your phono stage? The Myajima cartridges have a low output of only 2 or 2.3 Mv. I would say that without gain of at least 70 db in your phono stage, you might have perceived weakness in dynamics. I have heard this cartride at RMAF in two systems the last two years and it has always been very dynamic. Are you adjusting for VTA? How about cartridge loading?
Phono stage has 68dB gain. I have tried all sra from having the headshell dead level to having the rear of the arm elevated 12mm higher than the headshell. Loading has been from 250 ohms to 700 ohms with about 5 settings in between.