Cartridge recommendations VPI Scoutmaster

I am looking for cartridge recommendations for a VPI Scoutmaster/Joule Electra/Merlin VSM Mx system. I have been out of vinyl for many years....and so am really a novice again in this area. I listen mostly to Jazz and Classical and some rock. I am looking at both new and used cartridges. Any guidance would be appreciated.
I have a Scoutmaster with JMW9 and a Dyna 20X-S.V. 1.0 mv and it is just awesome.
I ahve a Scout with Scoutmaster platter and motor, and use a Dynavector XX-2 mk2. Very sweet cartridge.
If you want a stabil and calm presentation the Grado Statement is a good match, tracking is superb. But if you want more dynamics and resolution Benz LP is a very good match.

The best tonality would be the Kuzma KC3, but it lacks a litle bit of dynamic if you compare the Benz LP, but it's more dynamic than Grado Statement.
I've had a lot of great years with Dynavector/VPI together, but the Shelter 501 mk2 is in another league for transparency at the cost of dynamics. I find it more musical.

Koetsu Rosewood Standard and Grado Reference cartridges should be arriving soon, too.