Kudos, Ozzy, for resolving this very non-obvious problem. Great news, as others have said!
In any event, as you have seen the output jumpers provide adjustment over a range of 12.5 db, which of course is substantial. And who knows what the consequences would be of simply having no jumpers on two jumper blocks that are in fact used in this design.
Finally, FWIW, I purchased my HDP-5 new and I’ve never changed the jumper settings from their default positions. Those result in max gain on the analog inputs (which I use for LP, in addition to using the digital inputs for other sources), and 4.9 db less than max on the analog outputs, which drive my VAC power amp and (in bypass mode) my Stax headphone amp.
Great work, and enjoy! Best regards,
-- Al
Instead of being 6 installed in the output jumper spaces there were only 4 and the other 2 were put in the RCA input section. Leaving the output without 2 key jumpers. I will add that I bought this unit used from the Music Room. The previous owner must have moved the jumpers.I’m a little puzzled by this, as I believe your Premate has only four outputs (each in both balanced and unbalanced form), rather than the six that for example are provided in my DEQX HDP-5. And it appears that there **should** be two jumpers on the RCA input section (which adjust the input sensitivity over a fairly small range of 2.3 db). So perhaps the presence of only four jumpers on the output section was correct, but two of them had been placed on jumper blocks that are not used by the Premate.
In any event, as you have seen the output jumpers provide adjustment over a range of 12.5 db, which of course is substantial. And who knows what the consequences would be of simply having no jumpers on two jumper blocks that are in fact used in this design.
Finally, FWIW, I purchased my HDP-5 new and I’ve never changed the jumper settings from their default positions. Those result in max gain on the analog inputs (which I use for LP, in addition to using the digital inputs for other sources), and 4.9 db less than max on the analog outputs, which drive my VAC power amp and (in bypass mode) my Stax headphone amp.
Great work, and enjoy! Best regards,
-- Al