Cary 300 SE vs Cary 300SEI

Has anyone done a direct comparison of the Cary 300 SE against the Cary 300 SEI? I like the idea of an integrated amp but wonder how much is being lost by having everything in one unit.


Showing 1 response by glmccall

I'm not sure that you can compare a pair of Cary 300SEs to a Cary 300SEI. The preamp used to drive the Cary 300SEs can definitely make them perform at Class A status. I have driven my 300SEs with a Cary SLP-98L, an Audio Research LS16 and an Audio Research LS25 MKII; the LS25 MKII is by far the hands down winner. The Cary 300SEI may be a nice unit but I would be stunned if it can out perform the Cary 300SEs - Audio Research LS25 MKII combo.

There is one advantage to using the Cary 300SEI, you don’t need to spend the $$$ for a preamp.