Cary 303/300 vs. 306/200?

I'm interested in these two CD players (along with the Opus 21) and am wondering if anyone has made a comparison between the two? I'd like to hear subjective thoughts on what one does better than the other, etc.

I'm thinking of going direct to the amp, so this is a consideration, but I'll take comments from anyone who has done a comparison.

Does anyone know if the 306 SACD has variable output? I don't see it in the specs anywhere.

Lastly, how might the Opus 21 fit with these players?


Showing 1 response by paulficarella

I have have heard the 306/200 its an outstanding warm detailed
player but I would recommend a Sony SCD-1 or Wadia 860 unless you get the new 306 sacd player that is built upon the sony scd-1 but at 6k you'll be better of with sony SDC-1 for $1700 and if later you wish to upgrade you can upgrade the sony to practically surpass units that range from 6k and up.