Cary CAD-572SE MK2

I have Vienna Acoustic Beethoven Grands, with a BAT VK-31SE pre. I am in the process of purchasing this Cary SET amp. Am I going to have a problem with synergy? I have never owned a tubed power amp, just pre-amps. It will be replacing a BAT VK-200, so it seems like it's going to be a huge drop in power. I called Cary today to check on whether or not this amp would drive my speakers and in the middle of the conversation, I realized I was talking to Dennis Had(DAMN!) Anyway Dennis said that it would drive my speakers with ease.
I guess I just want some reinforcement from other Gon'ers that, I am not screwing up too much.
Congrats Jeff! Enjoy the music.
Just for future reference, what are the dimensions of you listening room?

My room is approx 14 x 24 and the speakers are on the long wall in the center. I sit 7-8 feet from them and there is a 56" rear projection tv between them. It's a full function system.
Was it from a private party or a dealer? I have been doing some searches online and it doesn't seem like there are a lot of options. I am new to tubes, so I may be missing something.
Did I say these amps sound awesome? Even digital sounds good. Don't want to start a flame, I am just very happy with my purchase.
thanks for listening
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