CARY CAD120s clipping?

Have just bought a cary Cad 120s tube amp and useing my dads old luxman solid state preamp till have enough money for a cary slp-98p preamp. Not really the ideal match, but will have to do for now.

My question is dose anyone had experience with the cad 120s from cary and when dose the amp start into clipping?

What position on the volume knob dose it start clipping?

And if the bias meters in the front go past the 200 gauge dose while playing loud dose this mean it's in clipping mode?

If anyone owns a cary slp-98p and the cary cad120s as there setup it would be really appreciated let me know your experiences."

Thanks you guys.
01-30-14: Polk432
If any one has the SLP98P and no tube amp the CAD120's will make you happy you bought it. Mono's may be better but maybe not always.

Thanks, that may help steer me towards the 120S.
Have you tried any other tube amps with your 98P? Which ones?
Did you try any SET amps?

John, the only other amp I've tried was a Mac275 tube and the MC 7270 SS. Both sounded really good. The 275 has more of a SS sound (but runs cool for tubes) the 7270 also sounded good, but the CAD 120 is excellent. I'm now in the camp of friends don't let friends listen to solid state, even though my 2nd system is ss. Best of luck if you get the 120. Lipinski L707's and Wilson Witt II's sound great and all I now use are Linn IC's I had Nordost Heimdals but there was not enough difference to justify the price. MHO
Thanks you guys for your thoughts and advice. I do have a question for Polk432 though

-what are the wattage guidelines and efficacy of your speakers?
-And What phono cart ridge are you using with the cary slp-98p

I have totem forests that are rated for 50watts to 200watts with 87db efficiency into a 8ohm load. So I think the 60watt triode is a way better choice then my old Cary sli-80 at 40watts triode.

Though I think my dads old Solid state preamp has more gian problems before 11 0"cock zone then my last amp the sli-80. Also it might be to quick and fast pace since solid state. But I think this is why people go with tube preamp and solid sat for my tube power amp, not the other way around.

then my last amp the sli-80. The luxman makes the bass to boomy almost popping likein my bedroom or defiantly need a living room for this setup. But I think this is why people go with tube preamp and solid sat
If the Cary SLI-80 did not work too well with your Totems, then the Cary 120S won't be that much better. Don't forget that sound pressure (loudness measured in db) is logarithmic, therefore, there is not much difference between a 40wpc and 60wpc amplifier.

There are a lot of Totem owners who use a SS amp with a tube preamp and report excellent results.
Wilson Witt II's 90dB, Linn Adikt MM 6.5 Mv has a Dynavector MC 10x5 (not recommended due to poor construction) you need 1.4 Mv to run MC carts thru the Cary Preamp. I also ran Lipinski L707 speakers. The amp will also put out 120 watts in ultralinear. The SLI80 is a very good int amp, but seperates make a big difference, that's why I sold the SLI. Wish I still had it for a second system though. YMMV