Cary SLI-80 Signature - Tube Recommendation

Hello Audiogoner - Please Advise/Help......THANKS....
Currently, I own a Cary SLI-80 Signature integrated amplifier and would like to try on a new/better tube. My price range is $50-$75 per tube. Please note this is a older model, it's about 6 years old.

1 - Rectifier Tube 5u4g (??????? I have no clue about this)

2 - Input Tube 6922 (I got Amperex white label, any other recommend ??????

3 - Power Tube 6550 - (Genalex Gold Lion KT88 tubes Valves 6550, any other recommend????????????

4 - Output Tube 6sn7gt - (??????? I have no clue about this)

Please help, I would like to hear from you for your recommendation............BIG THANKS.......

here is a good resource for data on 6SN7's, and their charcteristics: ( If you desire clean, accurate sound(no added warmth): find a pair of BOTTOM GETTERED Ken-Rad JAN CKR or Sylvania JAN CHS, VT-231/6SN7GT's(NOT GTA's, etc), from the 40's or 50's. ie: ( ( They both perform very closely to the Tung Sol 6SN7GT round plate, and Sylvania 6SN7W regarding faithfulness to the signal, sound staging, imaging, etc. For a bit of added warmth(ala the Amperex small tubes); the National Union and RCA VT-231's(same era) are nice(same construction as shown in the pic). None of these will send you to the poorhouse, even for the closest matched pair of NOS tubes. SHOP CAREFULLY!
BIG THANKS to Mechans & Rodman99999
Pretty sure your comment is very help and interest on my research.............Thanks again......

Anyone out there has a good tip about rectifier 5u4g tube section on this Cary gear????????? NOS of RCA, Sylvania, Raytheon, Ken-Rad ????????Please advise.....THANKS...
Mullard rectifiers have always given me the most enjoyable reproduction, and longest life(by far). ie: (
Mullard 5U4G is a very nice choice. So are Tung Sol 5U4G Coke Bottles for a a lot less.