Cassettes still rock!

Played Dire Straits debut album last night - from a Maxell XL 2s cassette recorded from the vinyl over 30 years ago. Best sound I've heard on my system in months. I have the SACD, but doesn't have the organic sound from the tape/vinyl. Dig out your old cassettes! 
OP here. Lots of support and some naysayers on cassettes. FYI - the LP was recorded on my Nak 500 Dual tracer (still have but pretty worn out) and played back on a newer (!) NAK BX 2. 


I ran into one at the Goodwill store in the U.S.A. for, I think, $20. I bought it just so I can say I owned a Nakamichi at some point in my life, also not forseeing using it more than an hour or two. It is, in fact, sweet little player. I rarely use it, but it always makes me smile.

That was a heck of a deal. And yes, it is a pretty good basic deck.

I do believe cassette tapes *can* rival *some* vinyl. Can, but not always. In fact, in my short re-experiance, rarely in a couple cases where I have copies of both. As in everything, it depends on many many things. The quality of the the mastering by the label for its release being the most important things (for non at home recordings) for cassette format, IMO. But, depending on the pressing, that is true for versions of a vinyl album too, and yes, CD’s can have the same issue.

Of all my tapes, a couple that particularly stick out to me are The Modern Jazz Quartet’s - No Sun in Venice & Concorde, Wayne Shorter - Best of Wayne Shorter, Billie Holiday - All or Nothing at All, Dave Brubeck Quartet - Time Further Out...and there are many others. These are mentioned off the top of my head.

I purchased quite a few jazz albums on cassette prior to, or right around the time CD’s first came out. And those are the ones I am most pleased to have ’back’ in rotation.

Yes, I could replace all of these, and many more, on vinyl or CD, and have/did in some cases, but there really is no need to do so with many cassetes back in my collection, and recordings that still please me.

Just felt the need to share this as it is both amusing and a delightful to myself both at the same time.

I felt the need for some music in the garage where I clean all my records and other tasks.
I remembered that I had an old Sony "boom box" up in the loft so dragged it down , plugged it in and lo and behold music issued forth on FM radio, it even still had all the local stations stored!

As this is old it has both a CD and tape player as well.
Popped open both drawers and was in shock. There sitting in the tape well was a blast from the past indeed.
A copy of a cassette ep single of our band back from the 90,s.
I always wondered what had happened as I had the empty case in the house.
So I had to play it and it still sounds good to my ears. It's on a tdk c15. Must have been popular back then as can't remember seeing any for sale of late.

So just very happy at this find and yes maybe clouded by rose tinted spectacles in this instance!

so much time to yap on, I like tape best

tape being analog, any analog in my simple summation, ’get’s the overtones right’.

noise, tape hiss, lp’s static between songs, .... don’t matter, when listening, tape/lp both can win.

thus cassettes can sound great. It is amazing how much precision was achieved to get 4 tracks on 1/8" tape, a reversible head, smooth transport, noise suppression, advanced tape formulations at only 1-7/8 ips, hard to believe really

analog: various degrees of success:

lp physical setup of deck/arm/cartridge is absolutely critical for lp to win.

tape was a wealthy man’s game in the beginning, then servicemen (no women then) had access to both cameras and tape recorders in asia, shipped home, increased volume, awareness, cost’s lowered, content increased ... the standard cycle, and home recording from lots of radio variety, a great deal live and unique.

tape formats, pre-recorded, follow ’general’ rules:

1. machine with properly aligned heads (let’s say likely, my experience buying teac x1000’s and last pro-sumer x2000r certainly).

2. faster speed better

a. studio 30 ips masters awesome. pro playback 15 ips terrific (content very limited).
b. high consumer speed 7-1/2 ips great, still my best source, combined with lots of pre-recorded content, although the content is dated, ended production, so progressively younger = less of ’your’ era’s music is available.
c. low consumer deck speed 3-3/4 good, not great. CD can easily beat 3-3/4 tape.
d. 8 tracks, lousy really, 3-3/4 ips, more comments below.
e. cassettes, initially for dictation are 1-7/8"

3. wider tape better. combined with faster speed.

a. 2 track, 35mm wide (1-3/8" wide); pro 1" wide pro tape amazing. (think imax 70mm superiority)
b. 2 track 1/4" mono sound quality can be darn good, lacks imaging, not a lot of content, physics of machines, tape formulations initially ’primitive’. for speech, school and business use,
c. 2 track 1/4" stereo from late 50’s, early 60’s still my best sounding r2r tapes, simply more magnetic material for signal.
d. 4 track 1/4" reversible stereo very good, still beats my lp at 7-1/2 ips.
e. 8 track 1/4" 8 cartridges were a REVOLUTION, despite being a horrible design. Revolution because for the 1st time ever we could readily take our music in our car, anyone’s car, anyone’s home, free from packaged radio content. cars and most young people did not have good systems then, it was about portable content. 8 tracks were never intended for music, they were designed for radio commercials, pop it in, hit play, end of that ad campaign, throw them out.
the cartridges construction and slip sheet method of gradual compression and yanking tape up and over the edge from a tightly wound center was/is designed for destruction. self dissolving foam pressure pads. were standard. But, like early portable digital, standards dropped for convenience.
f. 4 track 1/8" cassettes, same magnetic material as 1/4" 8 track, per track, but at half the speed again. How? Progressive improvements in every part of the chain
g. Sony’s walkman, a huge revolution, personal content, anywhere, any time, incredible.
h. dual copy/record decks, holy smokes, FREEEEE music!