CAT JL-2 Mk2 vs LAMM M1.2 ... on WP 6 or 7

I am considering to by me Watt/Puppy 6 or 7. I dont know which amlifier would be better with this speakers- CAT JL-2 Mk2(JL-3) or Lamm M1.2(1.1),ML1.1, ML2.1 ?
Can someone tell me the difference?
The cables are Transparent audio Reference XL(MM), source Kuzma Stabi Reference with Airline.Preamplifier probably the same brand as power amplifiers.
My music taste: most classic music,jazz and then some rock...
I prefer complexity , texture, neutrality and dinamics(macro and micro) within airie sounstage- but most important it must be music!
Thank you.
Sorry guys, but I am not sure I well understood the matter: is the JL-2 more or less powerful than the previous standard JL-1 ? For what I read the JL-2 should be a 120w stereo instead of 100w mono... I also noticed there is a 300w hc JL-3 at a lower price than the 200w JL-3... I'm more than confused. If someone could explain me better the differences between the amps mentioned, I would be grateful.
Thank you all, Luca.
"I highly doubt that Mr. Stevens would bring on a new “statement” product that is sonically inferior to his previous “statement” product. And again, it is at a significant price drop."

Sure he would if he couldn't make money selling $50k amps. Given that there are only a dozen LE's in existence, that would seem to be the likely scenario.
Well, then it's settled...The 7's, with Transparent Audio Cables. The rest is subjective, as you can see a lot of great options are out their. The reference to the 5.1 sound of being steril with the Halcro's? perhaps...I never cared for the 5's, for me just to analytical and loose in the bass region's bottom octive (16-30hz). The 6.& 7. series however are VERY different critters, and someday I will have a pair for myself (Ferrari Red). But, again its a question of taste.
Could someone reply to my question about differences in CAT's, please ? Thank you.