cat jl3 signatures vs. atmashere ma2III's

Has anyone had the cahnce to hear these amps side by side? I was wondering what the sonic differences would be between them. I have heard the cat jL2 signature but have not heard the monoblocks. Do you think the atmasphere would give me the bass slam of the cats. I know both have great midrange and I know that the cat will be a little more "maintenance" but which one do you folks prefer and why? Any input would be much appreciated.
I have never heard the CAT, so I can not offer any comparisons. I do use the Atma-Sphere MA2 MK III's with Dali Megaline speakers which have a nominal impedance of 6 ohms, and it is the best sound I have ever heard.

In addition to offering unrivaled sound, Atma-Sphere OTL amps are the most flexible and reliable vacuum tube amps I am aware of. For example, if you do not need the full power of the MA2's, you can simply remove some of the power tubes to reduce the power output. If a power tube blows, (and I haven't lost one in 9 months), you can simply remove it and replace with another. That is, since they are not matched pairs, you loose 1 tube, not 2. Uhnlike the 6550 and KT88 based amps I have owned in the past which usually tookk out a resister when a power tube blew, that is not the case with Atma-Sphere OTL amps. They are no muss no fuss power amps, which is remarkable since they use vacuum tubes.

Finally, Ralph, Adam, and Bill offer the best support in the business.

Happy listening,
thanks everyone for your input, it was very helpful. I know that the ma2 markIII is probably overkill, but I am a power junky and love amps with great dynamics, great midrange, etc. so that is why I am leaning towards to bigger amps and if down the road I switch speakers than I won't have to buy other amps
Hello Optarchie,

I just spoke with Tierry Budge's distributor, Todd Waldron, who told me that the impedance curve for the Fremont stays between 6.5 ohms and 10 ohms. That is extremely impressive and good news as far as OTL amp matching goes (I'm an Atma-Sphere dealer).

Given their benign impedance and 93 dB sensitivity, I think that not only the MA-1 but also the M-60 would work well on the Fremonts.

At last year's RMAF Ralph and I teamed up a 92 dB speaker with the little S-30. The speaker's impedance stayed between 7 and 12.5 ohms - comparable to the Fremont. In my opinion this combination worked quite well and it could play louder without distortion than I ever normally listen. So I feel confident that even the S-30 could drive the Fremonts.

Best of luck in your quest,


There is a relevant review to this group , August 2007, by Mark Michelson, Soundstage, where he compares the Atma shpere MA-2 to the CAT JL-2 Signature and an Audio Research, which is a must read to all the participants of this discussion.

He praises the mid range of the MA-2, but finds the CAT as the most dynamic, weighty, powerful and probably the most balanced amp of the three and one of the best available at any price, certainly at half the price.

I don't own either amp, have considered both and others, as I am looking for a new tube amp, with dynamics and finesse for my system.

Louis, thanks for referencing the Marc Mickelson review of the CAT JL2 amps. It was an interesting read. I suppose, as with so much else in this hobby of ours, the right answer for each of us will ultimately depend on finding the right balance and synergy of components that comprise the entire system. One thing I ponder over is the impact of Mickelson's preferred speakers in his appraisal of what he's hearing. Still, a good article and well worth reading. Thanks again for pointing to it.
