CAT SL1 Signature, How does it measure up ?

I am considering replacing my Coincident Statement Phono stage and Dodd Battery Variable Gain Pre-amp with a CAT SL1 Signature.

My best guess is that this will be an upgrade in my line stage and a downgrade in my phono stage side of things, and save me 4000$ which I can put towards upgrading my speakers.

But that is just a guess, the SL1 Signature is pretty old maybe it does worse than my current setup. Does anyone have any ideas on which direction this change will take me ?

Rest of system:

Coincident Dragon 211PP Mk 2 - monoblock tubes
Rega RP6 + Shelter 501 Mk 2
Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grand speakers
Triode CD4SE Vacuum tube CD player

This whole thought has been triggered by the fact that I thought I would be happy with the passive line stage (for the CD player) in the Coincident Phono, but it really sucks in my system.

Showing 1 response by somut

Quite the contrary: You really do have a great system (the Coincident Dragons are considered to be amongst the best of the best) and from what I've heard about the CAT, you really can't go wrong -- It would partner with your system with great synergy actually. However, one thing to consider is that CAT hand makes their own custom capacitors for their preamps: Who knows if additional staff will acquire some of that precise expertise through knowledge transfer and if the same custom caps will be available should you decide to keep the preamp for the next 20 or so years.