Cat Stevens.... Great Artist or Wacko?

Just bought Cat's remastered CDs. Pretty impressive. It's a shame how much more great music he could of created. We all know the story, he chose another path. Where does he rank among writers of the 70's? With all of his recent interviews and VH-1's behind the Music, is he just misunderstood? Is he coming out for all these interviews to ultimately increase sales of all the recent remastered CD releases? No matter what is behind the man, in my opinion he ranks right up there with the 70's writers/singers and his music is everlasting through time.
Wow, politics creeping into Audiogon. For what it's worth, freedom of expression remains a fundamental right, if you don't agree with the topic, then either challenge the author or ignore it. Putting a price on someone's head for a literary work is absurd. That transgresses belief, and becomes a loosely knit group of zealots. Oh, anyone know what Cat did with all his cash when he went into seclusion? My guess is, it went to some charity or religious organization.
Hey, it's simple: buy only used versions of his music if you don't want any of your $ going to support extremist/anti-free-expression viewpoints. I love his early music but strongly disagree with his current politics and buying or not buying his music (sending him royalties) is a way to put my $ where my mouth is.
There are rumors that Cat Stevens is supporting the terrorism acts abroad to support his religous beliefs. Of course there is denial on his end. But the question is, do you think with his sudden appearances on TV 20/20 Downtown, CNN interviews, VH-1 Behind the Music ,etc. Cat is trying to to cause hype, (doesn't matter if it's positive hype or negative because the media helps sell records) and go out and buy his remastered Cds. There are six, plus the Greatest Hits, and the VH-1 soundtrack. Was his bank account getting a little low? Or he's just being a nice guy and giving us music lovers an opportunity to listen to his classics and not so classics on remastered? Stick with Greatest Hits, Tea for the Tillerman and Teaser and the Firecat and you'll be happy. Forget about the other ones; unless you are a deep serious Cat fan.
I never could stand Cat Stevens. During the 80's the LA County Tax Collector played "Baby it's a Wild World" over and over on a continuous loop when you were placed on hold -which could be for eight hours until they cut you off. I never could stand them either. Just my personal opinion.
Cat Stevens wrote some of the most introspective songs of the 1970's. Along with James Taylor IMO the 2 best male folk artists of that era. His music and lyrics are timeless in that they aren't dated and there is always a freshness when you listen. His religious beliefs are a personal issue. I think Muljo made a very good point, how can we in the West understand using our Western values the whole picture concerning Islamic culture and beliefs? Answer: We can not. There was more to Khomeini than a raving mad man passing out death decrees. He was acknowledged as one of the foremost Aristotlian scholars of the 20th century, a philosopher you say? But we ARE talking about music here, right?