Responses from dekay
The "young people' music thread - Artists younger than 40 years old Here are a few really good ones... | |
San Diego Audio Club? I tried Google and came up with this (perhaps GrislyButter can explain). | |
A question about tube rolling I use old production tubes that currently sell for much more than what my meager gear is worth, but I paid little for them years ago (purchasing, testing and culling them myself). I would pay more for them now if needed, but I already have everyt... | |
A question about tube rolling Try working with a more "reasonably priced" tube dealer. DeKay | |
Cork room treatments I worked with cork wall and floor covering in the 80's. Don't know about sonics, but unless sealed cork smells (for a long, long time while outgassing). DeKay | |
Should speakers be upgraded before preamp and amplifiers? I just read that some people use sand instead of lead shot in the V-2's. This would be less hassle and quite a bit cheaper. Just us bone dry sand as sold for sand blasting. If you get silica sand try to load them outside and wear a decent mask ... | |
«40% Of Audiophiles Are Dying And No One Is Doing Anything About It!» If I survive my wife the gear and musical library is willed to Keith Richards when I go. DeKay | |
Sound room humidity 35-40% is what I attempt just for health/comfort and I monitor the LR and both BR’s. Don’t care for 50%+ sound wise, but is it the sound waves or my sinuses/ears? DeKay | |
Should speakers be upgraded before preamp and amplifiers? If your main source is vinyl try adding an inexpensive (but good) tube phono preamp through the Sansui. Hagerman has one for $650 and Tubes4HiFi has one (built) for $400. The Tubes4HiFi PH14 (I read here) is based upon the EAR 834P, which is a g... | |
The best opening act you've ever seen & heard? Not and opening act, but... I saw Bonnie Raitt playing unannounced/unadvertised @ the Airliner Bar (Iowa City, IA) on Friday March 29, 1974 with no cover charge. Was walking down the street, heard the music and then saw her on a little pool tabl... | |
Hearing Aids Mahler: We just purchased (4-5 weeks ago) Jabra Enhance Pro 20 Micro aids @ Costco for my wife. The Costco is in the Los Angeles area (Los Feliz). They set them up and have adjusted them once, so far (neither of us have a SmartPhone). DeKay | |
Do I need anything additional to my setup for my pro-ject debut 3 turntable? If the Marantz has a pre-out you could use it as a line/phono preamplifier into the Mac power amp (connect the TT to phono and the DAC to a line input). If it does nor have pre-out you might be able to add an inexpensive preamp (fed by the tape-o... | |
12au7 tube? Look @ the Amperex Holland offerings ($119 a matched pair). Found most of the Holy Grail 12au7’s touted to be thin/bright sounding in my gear. DeKay | |
bel canto dac3.7 power cable replacement? Here’s a pic of both the DAC and the power supply (6th pic down showing both cords)... DeKay | |
bel canto dac3.7 power cable replacement? The power cord from the wall outlet to the DAC's power supply has a standard IEC connector. DeKay |