CATSL1 best pre under 3K?

Is a CAT SL1 preamp the preamp to buy used under 3k or are there better
For the $$, checkout Audio Valve Eclipse. For a little more $$, an used Doshi Alaap MKII listed for $4500 just got sold.

Also try to demo CAT in your system before dismissing it. GL!
I've owned a CAT SL1 Renaissance w/ Phono for over 2 years now.
I heard my first SL1 in 1986.

The CAT is very neutral, uncolored and is not a "beguiling"
and "colored" pre.....

You might be able to do better than the CAT in certain regards, but I wouldn't
know what they are because I'm not going to be buying any others.......
Stewart0722, have you considered tube rolling into your CAT? I did this on mine and it went to an entirely different level. Rolling NOS tubes into both the line and phono stage was a huge improvement.